Monday, November 9, 2009

HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language

HTML is a markup language which is a set of markup tags that are used to describe web pages. Tags are keywords surrounded by angle brackets. They usually come in pairs, like "open" and "close" tags. The first tag ("open") is the start tag and the second tag ("close") is the end tag.

How to Create a HTML site:

  1. Find Notepad (Start-programs-accessories-notepad)
  2. In Notepad type your title of the website you will create
  3. Online you can find how to begin your site using the codes for body
  4. Save the Notepad as yourwebpagename.html
  5. All of your information you would like to show up on your web page will go in between the body

There are plenty of websites online that you can use to find HTML format codes to add anything you would like onto your web page.

Some examples are:

For me HTML is interesting and its neat to be able to create your own website and add anything that you would like. I like just messing with different codes to see how different parts change the appearance on the website. I already knew that there were codes online that you can use to change different parts of a web page. What I now know is how to add images to a web page. This will help me in the future because I could potentially need to know where and how to find certain HTML codes when I am creating a website of my own for a business.

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