Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Staying Civil Online

5 Rules for Internet Etiquette:
Behave as if you are communicating in person
remember that your words are open to interpretation
Do not "shout" online, as in using all caps
Do not send spam
Do not distribute copyrighted material

There are no set of rules governing behavior on the Internet, but a wise user believes in an honor system and understands the 'netiquettes' which are:
1. Behave as though you are communicating in person while communicating online.
2. Remember that your words are open to interpretation. If you post jokes or use a type of humor, you should not be surprised if someone takes it offensively.
3. Do not shout online, meaning do not type is all capital letters.
4. Do not flame other users, a flame is a posting that contains insults or other derogatory content.
5. Do not send spam, jam is equivalent of junk mail--usually like a commercial.
6. Do not distribute copyrighted material. Do not just copy someone's work and place it as your own.
7. Do not be a coward. Do not place your identity on the Internet.

Always check the rules when online, nearly every ISP posts rules and policies about their websites and their version of acceptable behavior. Even thought you cannot be seen on the Internet, you can be identified, so be conscientious and don't give information to others who can track you down. I think netiquettes are important because many people do not know how to act on the Internet and it is important for people to understand how to use the Internet properly.

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